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Best Hotsauce HotsauceHotel
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Mambo Burgers
Chef               Rece's
4 lb Ground Beef 80/20 
1/4 teaspoon Garlic powder
1 teaspoon dried Onion
1 ( finely chopped )  Jalapeno Pepper 
3 shot glasses of Mambo BBQ Sauce
1 shot glass of Mambo Zip Sauce
1 shot glass of Mambo Dry Rub

Place Ground Beef in mixing bowl and Combine the above ingredients with meat Mix well and let set 15 min.
Take meat and make 8 or 16 big Meat Balls equal in size,keep hands wet with warm water so meat wont stick to your hands,
Place Meet Balls on wax paper about 5 inches apart, get a clear sandwich bag out, also find a large lid off a Mayo jar or a
Sour Cream tub lid or butter lid to use as a mold, place a clear sandwich bag over Meet Ball use lid to flatten meet,
Place the patties in the freezer till semi frozen,  
That's It ! simple is as simple gets.

Cook patties on Hot Clean Grill & serve with Mambo Beans & Mambo Slaw....... Makes 8 1/2 pounders or 16 1/4 pounders

For a great added flavor top with Mambo BBQ sauce & pickled Jalapeno slices.

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